Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A wonderful Easter gift

I would like to share this video presentation with you: www.sonofmanproject.com

Monday, November 10, 2008

Some beautiful images of Christ

The link below will take you to a wonderful site. Take a look around, but don't forget to watch the slideshow.ReflectionsofChrist.org

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Book of Mormon

This is a very interesting book about the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. This book is different in that it was actually written by these inhabitants and later translated into language that we can read and understand. I do not consider myself an avid reader, but I have read this book several times and have enjoyed reading from it's pages. If you are interested in a free copy of the Book of Mormon or would simply like more information about it's origin or contents, please submit a comment to this entry that includes your name and address and I can get a copy to you.